Registration includes:
Opening/Student Panel Keynote
Access to over 50+ break-out sessions
Open format, go to whatever session you choose without signing up
Lunch, snacks, and refreshments
Book giveaways
Raffle Prizes
Registration Fees:
EARLY REGISTRATION (March 1st to September 30th)
Partner District (SD6, SD19, SD22, SD23, SD67, SD73, SD83): $100
Non-Partner District: $150
LATE REGISTRATION (After September 30th until October 24th)
Partner District (SD6, SD19, SD22, SD23, SD67, SD73, SD83): $150
Non-Partner District: $200
Currently enrolled in a recognized teacher education proram: $100​
Refund policy: September 30th, 2024 will be the final day refunds will be offered.
After September 30th, participants will be offered a ticket to a future Innovate-ED event.